Welcome to Faist Family Photos
This website organizes family photos in a central location making it easy to archive, share with others, and view photos.
How this site works:
STEP 1 Upload Photos
Click the button at the top that says "Upload Photos". This will bring you to a form where you can upload the photos that you have and optionally write a few words about them.
STEP 2 Request Access to Photos
Fill out the form on this page titled "Request Access to Family Photos" or click here and fill out the form including your name and email. A website admin will then share the photos with you by sending a link to your email.
STEP 3 Upload New Photos and Return in the Future!
After you have a big vacation, event, polish up a holiday greetings card, or otherwise have more photos - return back here and upload them!
Contact Ben, Ella, or David with questions. Together we are managing the site and the photos so we can help answer questions and make sure things are working for you.